Introduction to how do you do fractions:
In this section let me help you understand on learning fractions. Fraction is a certain part in a whole thing. Fraction is represented by a numerator and denominator. The upper part of the fraction is called as numerator and the lower part in the fraction is called denominator. Fraction can be added, subtracted, Multiplied and divided. These are the basic operation we do with fraction.
Classification of Fractions:
Fraction are classified as
* Proper fraction
* Improper fraction
* Mixed fraction. To get more help on study material
In this section let me help you understand on learning fractions. Fraction is a certain part in a whole thing. Fraction is represented by a numerator and denominator. The upper part of the fraction is called as numerator and the lower part in the fraction is called denominator. Fraction can be added, subtracted, Multiplied and divided. These are the basic operation we do with fraction.
Classification of Fractions:
Fraction are classified as
* Proper fraction
* Improper fraction
* Mixed fraction. To get more help on study material