Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Help on elementary algebra problems

In this lesson… we are going to study on Elementary Algebra Problems. As we all know algebra is a basic to math and more interesting topic for everyone to learn.
Here we begin the practice of solving algebra problems. Problems include the questions involving algebraic equations and basic operations had to be performed to arrive at the solution. Set of solved problems are as shown below.

Solve the following equation:
X = 11 / 3

Find more solved algebra word problems on solving equations.
Question: Which of the following equations have x=2, y=3 as solution ?
(a) 8x-y = 12 (b) 2x+3y = 10.
Answer: (a) Substitute x=2, y=3 in 8x-y=12

x=2, y=3 is not a solution of 8x-y=12
(b) Substitute x=2, y=3 in 2x+3y=10
x=2, y=3 is not a solution of 2x+3y=10.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Note on learning fractions

Introduction to how do you do fractions:

In this section let me help you understand on learning fractions. Fraction is a certain part in a whole thing. Fraction is represented by a numerator and denominator. The upper part of the fraction is called as numerator and the lower part in the fraction is called denominator. Fraction can be added, subtracted, Multiplied and divided. These are the basic operation we do with fraction.

Classification of Fractions:

Fraction are classified as

* Proper fraction
* Improper fraction
* Mixed fraction. To get more help on study material

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Note on zero a number

In this article let me help you on is zero a number. When we study about number theory we get more exited since it is our necessity to learn. Let me first help you understand .. whether zero is a real number or not.
Zero Real Number?
Yes, zero is a real number. Zero is not a counting numbers; however it is an integer, a rational number, and a real number.
Zero as a number:
Zero written as 0, are both a numbers and the numerical digit familiar with symbolize that number in numerals. Zero acting a central role in mathematics as the preservative identity of the integers, real numbers, and many other algebraic structures. This could also help us on surface area of a square pyramid. In the English language, 0 denoted as zero, oh, null, nil, "0", zilch, zip or naught, depending on language and context.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

algebra equations calculator

In this section let me help you on algebra equations calculator. keep reading and leave your comments. An equation is the combination's of two expressions separated by an equal sign. In the equation the both side of the equal sign has the same value.
For example,
2 + 18 = 4 * 5
Types of Equations
Fundamentals and types of Equations are :

Transcendental Equations

If f(x) is a polynomials in x, then f(x) = 0 is an algebraic equation.

Example; x7 + 5x - 2 = 0.

If f(x) contain algebraic and non algebraic functions namely exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions then f(x) = 0 is called transcendental equation. This could also help us on logical reasoning test

Example; x + log x + sin x=0. this will also help us on second orders differential equations

Transcendental equation may have no root, exactly one root or more than one root.

Algebraic Equations:

Fundamental theorem on Algebra.

Every algebraic equations of degree n ≥ 1 has a root real or complex.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Help with rotational equilibrium

Introduction to rotational equilibrium

An idea is said to be in a state of equilibrium when the net forces acting on the object is zero, in an equilibrium position, the object has zero acceleration. Below, we have discussed animations of static, mechanical and rotational equilibrium.

We observe various chemical processes in our daily life. It is a common observations that the rates of these chemical reactions vary and depend on certain factors. The knowledge of the rates of a reaction is of importance in industries to ensure optimum productivity.

An industrial process need to be accelerated while a potential explosive reaction may need to be slowed down. Reactions such as rusting of irons, rotting of food stuff, etc. require to be controlled for economic reasons.This could also help with 4th grade math test

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Note on Math pics

Introduction to math pics
In this article let me help you on math pics. In mathematic pics plays an important role in explaining the core strategy for all problems.Space figures are the geometric figures that have depths in addition to the height and width size. Examples of space figures are cube, sphere, cone and so on. Another names of space figures are three-dimensional figures. A space figure that having all sides as flat is said to be polyhedron. Let see examples of space figures and their appropriate pictures in math. This could also help us on diameter of circle

Examples Pics of Space Figures in Math
The following are the example shapes for space figures.
  • 1. Cube
  • 2. Cylinder
  • 3. Sphere
  • 4. Cone
  • 5. Pyramid
  • 6. Tetrahedron
  • 7. Prism

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Note on radical Expression

Introduction to radical expressions:
In this section let me help you on radical expressions. The meaning of radical is defined as the square root that is “ROOT “. A radical is used to refer the irrational number. This radical expressions has been denoted in the root symbol “√ “. This is the radical representation of the particular numbers. The radical expression and the example has shown in below.
Example: √5, 2√ 3

Radical expression calculator - Example 1:
Solve the radical expression √30
Given that √40
√40 written as √4 * 10 = 40
√40 = √4 * 10
= √22 * 10
4 has multiples of 2*2 =4
= √22 √10
= 2 √10
The solution is 2√ 10. This could also help us on factors of 54